We are open part time from Monday 20th April 2020 for emergencies by appointment only. Appointments can be made by calling or emailing us.
We are still working to the Federal Level 3 Dental Restrictions and can only see emergencies at this stage. It is still a risky environment and the health and safety of everyone is most important.
To check what emergencies can be seen during the Level 3 Restriction phase please check the ADA website at https://www.ada.org.au/Covid-19-Portal/For-the-public and check the FAQ. Alternatively, call us and we can advise if an appointment can be made.
The practice will not be attended every day at this stage – if we are unable to answer your call please leave a message and we will reply when we are there next. Alternatively, send us an email.
COVID-19 screening questions will be asked prior to any appointments being made, and all safety precautions will be undertaken in the surgery for those who need to attend.
Thank you for your understanding and we hope things can return to normal soon.