Intravenous (IV) sedation, often referred to as twilight sedation, involves the administration of medications intravenously with the help of our visiting anaesthetist Dr Mark Sinclair. It allows the patient to be relaxed and feel as if they are asleep, but still responsive.

This level of sedation is helpful for moderate to high levels of anxiety, or if longer, more involved dental procedures need to be carried out.

Careful consideration is given to who may be able to undergo IV sedation, as not everyone may be suitable. A full dental examination with x-rays and other relevant tests is required beforehand to form an individual treatment plan prior to booking an IV session. Medical health also needs to be assessed by Dr Sinclair and fasting prior to the procedure is necessary.

We are one of the few selected locations in Adelaide to become a fully accredited Private Day Procedure Facility able to provide intravenous sedation services for dental treatment on site. Full accreditation is achieved through a rigorous process with the Department of Health to allow these services to be provided in the surgery.

Meet our visiting anaesthetist, Dr Mark Sinclair.

Dr Mark Sinclair M.B.,B.S.(Adel), G.A.I.C.D., F.A.N.Z.C.A.

Mark is a specialist anaesthetist with the Wakefield Anaesthetic Group in Adelaide. He has worked in the SA private healthcare sector since 1999 and was a Visiting Specialist Anaesthetist at the Flinders Medical Centre for over 20 years.

He provides regular intravenous (IV) sedation services in dental surgeries around Adelaide, and in rural locations. Mark is currently President of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA).

The ASA website provides a number of educational resources to the general public.

Call 8270 2869 today to enquire about our IV sedation services and click on the links below for more information about Dr Sinclair.